Flip Your Phones in the Air

Break Them Like You Just Don’t Care

28 September 2021

  • The phone, with the app open, sees the poisoning from the front row. The app thinks (How is she flying) The app
    8/21/21 2:49pm
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  • calls 911 & orders a fleet of epipens to arrive at the theater. As the Universal Logo spins across the movie screen, five paramedics arrive and jab the poisoned moviegoer. "Another life saved," the phone says to itself, and jets out of the cinema. "Who to help next?" it wonders.
    8/26/21 5:48pm
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  • “Wh00 needz help?!?!” the sentient phone texts to all other phones in a 10 kilometer radius. Unsurprisingly, no one responds.
    9/3/21 3:10pm
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  • The sentient phone paused, calculating its next move. Meanwhile, deep within an old lady’s purse, nestled among tissues, hard candy, photos of grandkids, and six pens, an ancient flip phone flickered to life. “It’s time” Flip thought. “She always said she had me for emergencies!”
    9/22/21 11:08am
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  • The old lady, shaking, rummaged for the artifact of a phone. Flip felt weak as the battery icon began flashing. The old lady dialed. 9..1.. The phone screen went black. “Blast! The old coot forgot to charge me!” thought Flip, feeling defeated. “New-fangled-piece-of-junk!”
    9/22/21 9:35pm
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  • Flip clutched his dead phone, pondering the irony. He’d committed a timeless error: trusting both the new (technology) and the old (a coot). As he lay, Flip did the only thing he could think of with his phone. He threw it in the air and prayed; it was in someone else’s hand now.
    9/25/21 9:14pm
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The End