Carpenter’s revenge

21 June 2021

  • Once upon a time in a isolated island, where a small but prosperous kingdom existed, there was a king who was a kindhearted man, everybody loved him, except one person...
    5/11/21 3:01pm
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  • a grumpy old man who worked as a carpenter for his majesty, he usually dreamed of making use of his ancient craft to get revenge from the King he knows he hate, but doesn't remember why. One night, after dinner, an idea came to his head ...
    5/14/21 4:03pm
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  • The royal carpenter went into town and bought all the necessary supplies: twine, beeswax, two springs, and arsenic. That irritating, unjust king was going to get what was coming to him, and the princess too!
    5/17/21 7:43pm
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  • It would look like a beautiful cuckoo clock, but it would shoot a poison pellet into their mouths at the stroke of midnight.
    5/30/21 7:14pm
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  • it was an extremely unorthadox way to murder someone, but that also meant it would be less likely for the cops to find the one responsible for commiting the crime.
    5/31/21 12:27am
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  • Perfect genius, if I do say so myself. And to take things just a step further, I pulled some strings with my buddy at the local donut shop. Any time the cops got close, he’d call the precinct and tell them they’d won free donut day. Needless to say, we were never discovered.
    6/20/21 4:18pm
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The End