The Verminator

22 February 2022

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  • In der Erwartung, ein Schmetterling zu werden, in der Hoffnung, große Flügel wachsen zu lassen und zu vermeiden, Frühstück, Mittag- oder Abendessen zu werden, entschied sich Mushy, eine Delikatesse für Blauvögel, von den Unterseiten der ausgewählten Blätter zu mampfen.
    Diana B12/24/21 5:13pm
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  • Luckily for Mushy, the birds were not biting anymore. Unluckily for the Earth, almost all of the birds were gone. The avian extinction event was sudden and shocking and most unnoticed until it was almost over.
    Sean K avatarSean K12/31/21 4:16am
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  • Almost equally sudden and far more noticeable was the surge in flying insects, no longer reined in by predatory birds. Bat populations also exploded due to the lack of competition but they weren’t enough to keep all the insects in check.
    Chris D1/18/22 9:26am
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  • Thus, the "Verminator" was invented; a giant red button in the middle of a portable console. The button only requires a small press and all of the insects in the vicinity turn into dust. The only problem is that the dusty remains have to be taken care of by someone...
    Marta P avatarMarta P1/19/22 9:46am
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  • And that someone happened to appear out of nowhere, who desperately needed clothes, boots and a motorcycle. He has come to rid the world of pests, wherever they might be, and it is clear to see that it is in his destiny. His finger hovered over the button. “Hasta la vista, baby.”
    Jay K avatarJay K2/18/22 12:55pm
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  • He pressed the button, unleashing a nasty-smelling cloud of gas, which caused every living vermin to expire immediately. I shrugged. “Well, that… was kind of anticlimactic, to be honest,” I said.
    Phil H avatarPhil H2/19/22 11:13pm
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The End