Food Face

Just like mom used to make

15 October 2021

  • The face paint artist looked up at the detective and continued giving her side of the story. “He asked for something strange,” she said in a pained voice. “I can barely describe it.”
    8/10/21 3:48pm
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  • "Try," said the detective. The face-painter took a long breath. "You know how moms sometimes make breakfast look like a face—the fried eggs are eyes, the bacon is a mouth, & the toast is a nose? He wanted me to paint him like that." The detective nodded. "Food Face! I knew it!"
    8/11/21 9:19am
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  • We’ve been searching for Food Face up and down the Mississippi for 9 months now. You’re lucky you lived to tell us intrepid detectives about him. Most people he meets end up as breakfast.
    8/16/21 4:25pm
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  • “I’m glad to help, I suppose,” I replied shakily. The detectives were only doing their jobs, but somehow I would have felt more lucky to have avoided Food Face altogether. As we ended the interview, I thought I saw a person hovering nearby. I shook it off. Must be my imagination.
    9/15/21 4:47pm
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  • Meanwhile, Herb hid in the shadows of off the highway watching everything that was going down with FoodFace and the others. He wondered if his opportunity would present itself or if he would have take matters into his own hands. “I need to get into that car!” He thought.
    9/23/21 10:53pm
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  • With a roll and a jump learned from countless hours of 80’s ninja movies, Herb made his way to the car without being seen. As he carefully opened the door, a squeak! Suddenly, a chili dawg the size of a Buick blasted the Buick into a ball of fire, and beans. To be continued….
    10/14/21 11:55pm
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The End