The Streetwise Amnesiac

24 January 2022

  • How am I here? In this place. My tears are long gone, as too is my mental flipbook of faces, which I can no longer recall. I see an object, it looks familiar but what is it!? People are near me, I don't know who they are. I don't know how long I have been here. The walls are cold
    12/10/21 11:14pm
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  • and all this is burning inside me.The smoke from my internal fire didn't let me see anything, it's like something inside me was on fire. A person from that strange place approached me in an aggressive way.
    12/11/21 1:58pm
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  • “‘Fire in your belly’ is a metaphor, sir! You’re not supposed to actually light your guts aflame! And certainly not in an art museum!” With that, one guard doused me with a fire extinguisher as the other frog marched me to the nearest exit.
    12/25/21 3:25pm
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  • Have you ever been tossed from an establishment like they do in the movies? Like, a big guy holds the other by the collar & the seat of his pants & just chucks him to the pavement? It hurts! Well, I lay on the sidewalk, staring up at the clouds, wondering if I had a concussion or
    1/1/22 10:27am
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  • a brain bleed. I rolled onto my side and white hot pain shot through my skull. Okay, I guess I live here now. On the sidewalk. Concrete, please accept me as your own and welcome me to your tribe.
    1/24/22 3:05am
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  • From then on I embraced the stoic lifestyle of being a slab. Supporting kids on their way to school, helping people run after loved ones. Shoot, I probably get a thousand bags of groceries home a week. I may be a sidewalk, but I’m not on the sidelines.
    1/24/22 11:13pm
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The End