Hush, Puppy

8 September 2021

  • The crab kingdom had existed for hundred of years in the bountiful bay. The water was salty, there was plenty to eat, the crabs scurried and played the days away. Until the event happened and changed everything.
    6/20/21 1:37pm
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  • It all began innocently enough with a festival at the neighboring human kingdom. Caravans from far and wide delivered rare delicacies. For reasons still unclear several vats of clotted cream tumbled off the main road and spilled into the crab realm, turning the bay water milky.
    6/20/21 3:46pm
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  • The crabs were understandably upset. This milky murkiness in their water was preventing traffic from running smoothly, and forget about their view of Mount Crabsmore. Chad the blue crab had been in a traffic jam for three hours when his wife called with interesting news.
    6/21/21 6:05pm
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  • She sounded uncomfortable as she told him that there was a new visitor there to see him, and that he should please get home as soon as possible. Chad the Blue Crab had no friends that he was aware of, and being stuck in traffic like this, he would get him in time… that is, unless
    8/17/21 5:55pm
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  • unless… sure enough the traffic jam wasn’t Chad the Blue Crab’s only delay getting home. The longest train in history demanded his attention as it moved in one direction, stopped, and then backed up. Chad shook his head recalling her uneasy voice. New visitor. What awaited him?
    8/19/21 4:44pm
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  • Chad had had enough. He needed to get home. He side shuffled back a few feet and then took a running jump over the train. He scuttled all the way home to find a basket on his doorstep. Peeking inside, he discovered a sleeping puppy. I guess this was the new visitor all along.
    9/8/21 4:24am
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The End