A Slight Misunderstanding

Or the Journey to find out where dark chocolate came from.

27 March 2023

  • I bolt up in bed sweating profusely, my heart pounding. I had been having a terrible dream, and by the looks of things, my experiences to come in the waking world would not be any more enjoyable.
    11/17/22 2:44pm
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  • “What’s wrong, Ani?” she asked. “Nothing,” I replied. I lied. I watched her die in my dreams, and there was nothing I could do to save her. Unless… “You must understand the power of the dark side,” Palpatine explained.
    11/19/22 11:14am
  • So, I left the city & my girl, hoping she would understand. My note explained it all: I had to learn where dark chocolate came from, otherwise my dreams would tear my mind apart. I was off to Ecuador!
    11/26/22 7:15am
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  • In Ecuador they laughed at me, then directed me to Chile. In Chile they chuckled and pointed me towards Belize. Then to Barbados, then Cuba. Now I’ve booked passage on a freight ship headed to Morocco.
    11/26/22 9:22pm
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  • As we docked in Morocco, I was overcome with a sense of deja vu. After traveling the world, I had finally found the place from my dream. I knew it. Unsure of where to go, I let my feet guide me. Several unsavory alleys later, I arrived at the door to a small, dark curiosity shop.
    12/7/22 12:58pm
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  • I opened the door to the curiosity shop slowly and steadily, before me laid a wonderland filled with the strangest and most beautiful objects the world has yet to see. Artifacts, Items, Jewelry, and so much more.
    1/16/23 5:56pm
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  • I fell in love with the Curiosity Shop wonders and wanted to buy everything there for me and my family. The shop owner told me that I had to pay for these in dreams. I did a double take. "What does that mean?" "That means you better get sleepin so you can give me those dreams!"
    3/25/23 2:25pm
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The End