Wagner’s Wolf Weenies

28 September 2019

  • A regular at all the football games, Reginald was locally famous. He was a descendant of the towns founders, who had famously started the Wagner’s Weenies company, selling a variety of German sausages. They were the sponsor as usual, but today’s game was anything but normal.
    Rietje B9/7/19 9:10pm
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  • In accordance with tradition, Reginald walked onto the field to perform the coin toss that would determine which team started first. As he flipped the coin, the crowd began to slowly chant: Wagner’s. Weenies. Wagner’s. Weenies.
    Sam B avatarSam B9/12/19 1:38pm
  • Reginald caught the coin and peeked under his hand. Weenies. The Wagner’s fans groaned as he called the results. As the losers of the toss, the Wagner’s put on the traditional blindfolds, and took their positions on the field.
    Ben S9/14/19 1:42am
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  • The winners of the coin toss donned giant rainbow clown wigs and took their place at the other end of the field. At the sound of the bugle, the game started.
    Sean K9/17/19 10:55am
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  • All that Albert could think about at that moment was how many wolves had to be killed to stitch together a regulation size Beer Ball.
    Rick F9/22/19 1:01am
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  • "Wait, would their hides even be pliant enough to support the wear and tear of your average Beer Ball match?" he asked himself earnestly as the pack closed in around him, snarling and salivating. Albert always did have a warped sense of priorities...
    Ross W9/26/19 9:08pm
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The End