The first thing you have to understand is that in 1990, every elementary school kid had—or desired—a slap bracelet. The second thing you have to understand is why they got banned.
Lori was the bully queen of slap bracelets; every color, every style, no sharing. The trouble started when Beth Williams transferred to our school. She wasn’t a trouble maker. Lori took that role. Beth was a nice girl, just…different. You see she had an unusually skinny neck.
It had to be her Lori thought. Who else met that description? She looked at the strange woman—more giraffe than a human, really. “Over here!” Lori screamed. The bobbing head whipped around. Both parties stared in disbelieve. Then, in a split second-decision, Lori threw an apple.
The giraffe-woman ate the apple in one bite! Whoa!! Exclaimed Lori...that was fast! She reached inside her bag but she then realized there were no more apples left...What to do know?How could I lure this creature now?
Then she remembered the raisins—a box that had been in her pocket for months. She extracted a clump. The raisins were squished together, covered in dust and hair. The creature approached and gratefully ate its fill. Then they both laid down together, and peacefully spooned.