Secret Weapon

6 October 2020

  • Let’s have a little conversation, you and I, shall we? I know you’re not fond of me but I’m the only person who will tell you the bare and utter truth about this - regardless of how...uncomfortable it may be. Oh, I know, you’re going to think about our past and say I have no
    8/30/20 2:13pm
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • right to run for public office but I’ll show you! The people trust me and I would never let them down. I’ll be the best treasurer this podunk town has ever seen! Someone get me my briefcase!
    8/30/20 5:59pm
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  • Edward sighed, strapped on his back brace, and went to fetch the briefcase. “As if that overloaded bag gives you a chance in this race!”, he thought to himself. With Herculean effort, he lugged it back into the room and placed It in the table, which immediately broke.
    9/13/20 3:21pm
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  • Everything was on the floor, but it wasn’t important...he needed whatever was inside the briefcase. His father told him once”boy someday you will need it, just put your hands inside, you will understand” He opened it and as his father said, he reached inside the briefcase to find
    9/14/20 1:32am
  • some pink furry handcuffs and a candy wrapper. He closed the briefcase and sat back puzzled. Was his father wrong? How could these items help him solve his dilemma? His thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock at the door.
    9/24/20 1:18am
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  • He slowly went to answer it. The door opened to reveal.... No, it couldn't be. No officer would wear a uniform so revealing. But no stripper would have that bulky body. Wait, it' The sheriff leaned in his door frame. "You ready to take the law into your hands?"
    10/6/20 5:50pm
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The End