Wisdom of robots

12 August 2019

  • The operation was long overdue. He approached the front desk. After the insurance pleasantries they said to wait on the side of the room by the turtle themed poster. He turned around and there it was. “EXPERIENCE IS WISDOM” it said, with a smiling cartoon turtle underneath.
    Rietje B8/10/19 12:36am
  • And from then on, every time passed that room they smiled to themselves and thought, “you know, experience really is wisdom!”
    Cathy S8/10/19 1:58am
  • But then it occurred to them the time could be an illusion. Time only exists because we perceive it to exist. Experiencing this thought didn't make them feel wiser at all.
    Sean K8/10/19 2:36am
  • Illusion or not the team decided to embrace this new gift, this time machine, and put it to its highest use. Their safety was not guaranteed, and they were acutely aware of that fact. Without ceremony or hesitation they all pressed the huge green button at once.
    Sam B avatarSam B8/10/19 11:26pm
  • A blinding flash of light filled every part of their existence. All senses failed, leaving only their thoughts in the all encompassing lights. “I’m not sure why that button had to be so big...seems excessive” she mused as her body was broken down to atoms.
    Luke H8/12/19 4:37pm
  • Atom and Eve were the first robots on this planet to use AI technology without “sounding” like a robot. Humanity terminated and the robots set about cleaning up the mess.
    Marc F8/12/19 6:52pm

The End