A royal quest

18 October 2019

  • Far away in a grassy field there lies a treasure like no other. The direction to find it are hidden, and will be revealed only when the time is right, to the person that is meant to find it. Edgar felt he was that person.
    9/7/19 9:04pm
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  • He was a fourth generation treasure hunter, and had been doing this all his 46 years. If anyone were to deserve having the secret treasure map revealed to him, it was Edgar. He went out into the secluded field, and awaited his first clue.
    9/12/19 11:09pm
  • It seemed so obvious after the fact. Of course the clue was underground! It was handed down to Edgar by his great uncle, an avid rock collector and all around mineralist. Once he found where to dig the rest had been easy. The next clue was more elusive: two queens and a knight?
    9/13/19 1:34am
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  • Then it hit him. Two Queens in a Night. Queen Latifah was performing in front of Queen Elizabeth at Royal Albert Hall in two weeks time. Edgar immediately booked a flight. The next clue was sure to be there.
    9/14/19 1:40am
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  • His flight left at 4:44PM - a sign! It touched down at Heathrow at 5:55PM - another sign! He took a Royal Cab Company taxi, the driver’s last name was Koenig, and he was dropped at King’s Cross. One more sign! But what did it all mean?
    9/24/19 1:02pm
  • He stopped in the nearest pub for a bite to eat, and heard the operatic voice of native son Freddie Mercury soaring over the sound system. We Are The Champions. Queen. "Man," he said to himself, "a world in which this is all just some big coincidence ... that's royally messed up"
    10/17/19 10:13pm
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The End