Ode to the Beckers

Where the best laid plans hopefully go off the rails

27 December 2021

  • Once upon a time, a writer-in-a-different-life stumbled across a fun little app—a thoroughly enjoyable rabbit hole of collaboration and wackiness. In the spirit of the holidays she offers her most sincere thanks to Sam for developing Byline and bringing joy to all of us.
    12/23/21 1:53pm
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  • The app creators saw these sentiments and rejoiced. It had been a long couple years and they cherished this special community of writers, collaborators, and co-conspirators. But what comes next for this cult of the written word?
    12/24/21 4:51pm
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  • We don our robes and lift the thesaurus on to the altar. “Wordsmiths, hear our call! Come and write, add to the stories!” The head scribe lifts a flaming fountain pen in the air, intoning “Through our words:” The circle of writers answers “WE ENLIGHTEN AND ENTERTAIN!”
    12/24/21 7:24pm
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  • We begin the Round Robin Ceremony, where each member adds one word to a tale. "Once" "Upon" "A" "Time" "There" "Was" "A" "Very" "Tiny" "Poop" Everyone groans. The scribe snaps, "Doggone it, Brian! Every time we do Round Robin you say 'poop'! What is your problem?" Brian snickers.
    12/27/21 10:25am
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The End