Soul Shell Anxiety

26 March 2025

  • Yes I fondly reminisce of the times we shared. It is not often I find a genuine soul who cares for me and recognizes I too have a soul. It was an enthralling melding of two people which I rarely if ever experience. I miss that person and wish to see them once more.
    12/30/24 1:33am
  • Alas, it is impossible. That perfect friend, my soul sibling? I forgot their name. I also forgot where they were from, or how we even met. Our time together was brief, and I fear I rarely let them say much.
    1/4 11:54pm
  • BA
    But the one important lesson that my soul sibling taught me is that we should not look for our best friend outside but rather inside ourselves. That changed my life completely
    Byline Author
    1/20 7:44pm
  • So, I figured if I have one inside me, so does the next guy. I’ve never been one to collect souls before, but a job is a job. Best friend, soul slave. What’s the difference?
    3/20 9:15am
  • The difference, it turned out, was love. Once I stole that soul, they had no love for me or anything. They turned into a husk, as passionless as lichen. It broke my heart. I tried to return their soul, but bodies have a no return policy. Now I've got a spare soul & no friend.
    3/23 10:33am
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The End