Slithering the Light Fantastic

28 October 2022

  • I know there's blood. I can feel it trickling down my leg. Don't look. Keep your eyes up. But naturally, my gaze starts to wander down my leg. A hole the size of a quarter and a fountain of glistening red is there to meet me. In shock, I begin to choke on my breaths.
    9/14/22 12:02am
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  • My vision starts to fade. I wake up in an unfamiliar room, my head pounding. There’s a single dim lamp, and a window with the blinds shut. I’m laying in a cot, my head on a throw pillow and a red blanket laying over me. I try to sit up but can’t. My leg! I suddenly remember-
    9/18/22 8:45pm
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  • “Hey you, you’re finally awake,” a man greeted me, “Do you know why you’re here?” “No, I don’t quite remember… but my leg, why can’t I move my leg?” “It’s gone,” he replied, “Your leg is gone. Now, what is 9 + 10?” “Twenty on-“ “Wrong! The answer is nineteen eighty four.”
    9/20/22 11:40am
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  • "I don't understand, I have—" I was cut off, both metaphorically and literally with my leg, by this man, or at least I think he was a man. His face was torn and shredded like a cat's scratching post. There was something resembling a beard underneath coats of grease and oil.
    9/20/22 6:41pm
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  • “Ssssssilenccce, human! I demand sssilence! You must be quiet now!” The greasy man hissed. “OK I am”, I said. “You jussst ssspoke!”, he said. “Just to say that I’m being quiet, though”, I said. “Then you’re not sssilent! I DEMAND SSSSILENCCCE!”
    9/25/22 10:53am
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  • I nodded vigorously, hoping he couldn't hear my head shake or my heart slamming against my ribs in fear. Slowly the greasy man's skin split from forehead to chin. From it slithered the largest python anyone had ever seen. "Better," the snake said, uncoiling with a satisfied sigh.
    10/8/22 11:29am
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  • I pulled a dagger from the discarded man's robe just as the snake encircled my waist. I thought I was done for until I remembered the copious grease. I used it—and all my strength—to slip from its grip. The wet serpent crashed to the ground, moments before I fatally struck.
    10/25/22 10:10pm
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The End