Leisure Wear is Serious Business

The Cobbler’s Children Have No Scruples

3 February 2021

  • One of the only good things to come out of the pandemic was this: by 2025, sweatpants have become acceptable garments in every situation. Of course, you'd need formal sweats for formal occasions, but there was no need to wear any pants without elastic or drawstrings.
    Sean K avatarSean K2/2/21 1:48pm
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  • There was also a lot more slippers worn after the pandemic. In 2025, you see way more slippers in a shoes store than actual shoes. The only occasion people wear them are if they are working out. Even this will soon come to an end, with companies developing maneuverable slippers.
    Madeline S avatarMadeline S2/2/21 3:03pm
  • At the epicentre of this insane technology was the city of Buenos Aires, a roaring powerhouse of innovation and progress, drawing in engineering specialists, tech geniuses and light indoor footwear scientists from every corner of the globe. Renamed Tierra De Zapatillas, the city
    zeej Q avatarzeej Q2/2/21 4:28pm
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  • became a tourist attraction, with hundreds of thousands of people stopping by each year to check out all the cool scientists. The scientists were not happy with this, though, as it made them feel like zoo exhibits rather than hard working college graduates with PHDs.
    Sunny A avatarSunny A2/2/21 6:28pm
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  • So they decided that it was about time to retaliate. Each scientist was allowed to kidnap the one person who had annoyed them the most at the science demonstrations and subject them to experiments. Then, they would be released. They would be the ones stared at in the end.
    Kara S2/3/21 9:56am
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  • Science isn't perfect, but when you add a pinch of karma and a healthy dash of revenge... justice is served.
    Avery B2/3/21 10:55pm
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The End