Memory Lane

All Trips Non-Refundable

26 June 2021

  • “MEMORY LANE, All Trips Non-Refundable” read the sign on the door. I walked inside to find a clean white room with only a front desk, no chairs or ferns or any of the normal strip mall clutter. An old man appeared from a door just behind the front desk. “Welcome to
    A P avatarA P4/6/21 8:50am
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  • The Memory Lane. What brings you here, son?” I suddenly felt uneasy. What kind of name of business was this? The old man waited for an answer, but I could hardly breathe. What had taken over me? I then realized... I should not be here.
    emily W avataremily W4/7/21 8:29am
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  • It was too late for such thoughts, of course. Whether it was right or wrong, I was there. And I was sweating.
    Lynsie L avatarLynsie L4/7/21 6:20pm
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  • Those thoughts were eating my head, I had to pretend to be fine to avoid attracting attention of others
    Leyre G avatarLeyre G4/8/21 9:21am
  • It had been an hour and I was bout to cry I had to find a distraction or something I love. I went into my room and found...
    Emma M avatarEmma M4/14/21 3:43pm
  • my trusty diary. I quickly scanned for the date in question: August 8, 1988, the fateful night of my alien encounter. I quickly begin reading my frantic handwriting, words jumping out at me: steamy, silent, spheres of illusion. The last line written was a street address.
    Sam B avatarSam B4/24/21 11:04pm
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  • Damn it, was this a Tinder memory or something more? Perhaps a memory implanted by my abductors to make me doubt myself. I grabbed my jacket and hopped into my old truck, dead set on finding answers at whatever I would find waiting for me at that address.
    Diana T avatarDiana T5/18/21 2:12am
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  • Finally there I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what's behind the door. My legs are shaking, I'm now hoping for the implanted memory alternative. I grab the door handle, where a playful necktie is hanging, and slowly open the door, just to see what I was hoping not to see
    Juan S avatarJuan S5/21/21 12:28pm
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  • with my unwashed eyes. My grade school sweetheart and my college best friend were playing two-person twister right there on the living room floor. They were both reaching for red when I fainted onto the beanbag chair.
    Sean K avatarSean K6/26/21 4:18am
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The End