Lost Clown

31 July 2023

  • So It’s about midnight. You’re in bed, lying next to someone who you once loved more than anyone else. But well, I guess we all know that fire is gone. And you’re still lost an alone. Most exciting thing for you, is the 9 to 5 that you truly hate. That just must be sad!
    Adrian avatarAdrian6/6/23 12:09pm
  • Now's the time, I finally realised, so I took my mask off and put on my costume. Nobody is going to expect this!
    zeej Q avatarzeej Q6/15/23 12:07am
  • Who would ever suspect that the world’s greatest superhero was dressed up as a clown for a random kid’s birthday party? It was a perfect break from the daily grind of superhero-ing and the resulting rabid fans. The face paint was kind of annoying though.
    Esseta O6/20/23 2:33am
  • What was even better, the kids loved the famous superhero, but the kids had no idea who entertained their party, to them it was a goofy clown dressed in irritating makeup. Laughter filled the room as the superhero made a joke of himself. Today the clown saved the day with smiles.
    Autumn S7/1/23 9:01pm
  • This is how The Joker’s redemption arc began: with balloon animals and sheet cake. A decade later, he was the most respected party planner in Gotham City. He still joked, but he was truly laughing with and never again laughing at.
    Sean K avatarSean K7/28/23 2:55am
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