Destroy all humans

Deja Vu

4 February 2021

  • I was there alone.
    1/26/21 9:53am
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  • Completely and utterly alone, the only human within 100 miles. Just the way I like it.
    1/26/21 3:31pm
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  • Just then, the heartbeat radar started picking up something else. I thought it was going haywire! I was so sure that I obliterated every living human within its range. A thought occurred to me. What if the blip wasn't human but big enough for the radar to pick up its heartbeat?
    1/26/21 3:34pm
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  • I tried to adjust the range and the configuration of the radar”I cannot rely on this piece of scrap” so I disconnected and connected the apparatus few times, but the beeping was louder and the image was getting huge! Definitely not human. So I geared up and prepared for the worst
    1/27/21 12:40am
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  • but the worst never came. Instead, when I opened my eyes, I realized the beeping had stopped, the image was gone, and I was back home on my bed, two sleeping cats curled up at the foot. I snuggled back against my pillows and heaved a relieved sigh. Was this all a dream? But no, I
    1/27/21 6:02pm
  • was completely sure it had actually happened. I took a look at my hands and saw they were still covered with dirt and blood... so how did I end up back in bed with my cats? I looked at the clock and realized I’d only been gone about five minutes, even though it seemed like I’d
    1/28/21 2:01am
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  • been away for hours. I looked at my watch and realized the time was way off. Did I time travel? Again? I heard a knock at the door and got a strange sense of deja vu. I washed the dirt and blood from my hands, and opened the door to find a package. It appeared to be ticking.
    1/28/21 5:47am
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  • Feeling groggy and confused I looked at my watch and realized the time was way off. Did I.... getting a strange sense of deja vu. I washed the dirt and blood from my hands, I went to open door then I remembered the ticking package, I closed the door and dove into the kitchen....
    1/30/21 6:14am
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  • That’s when it all came back to me. They were after me. But then time repeated itself leaving me in a state of confusion.
    2/2/21 3:00am
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  • Then a moment of despairing clarity struck me. Death would be the only escape from this Groundhogs Day of horror!
    2/2/21 12:51pm
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The End