Pig of the Litter

12 August 2019

  • It wasn't until she got to the reptile house that Annabelle realized her bracelet was gone, the one from her grandmother with jade stones. She panicked. What else had she seen that day? Penguins? Zebras? Could it have slipped off her wrist while feeding the petting zoo animals?
    Sam B avatarSam B8/7/19 4:24am
  • She’d been so distracted since she walked past the rhino exhibit. That’s when she had passed him, Jeff her ex, on a date with Lauren. He didn’t see her, but she saw them. That must have been when she’d lost the bracelet, turning it around mindlessly thinking about the betrayal.
    Rietje B8/7/19 4:51am
  • She looked down at her wrist, noticing the tan line where the bracelet had been was fading. When she looked up, she was disoriented. How far had she walked? Where was she? And what time was it?
    Sheila S8/9/19 5:20pm
  • Just then it occurred to her that her mother was probably concerned about her whereabouts. That evening was the annual Pig Picnic, a tradition her family had practiced for generations. She began to reminisce about last year's affair, and got lost in thought.
    Zoe B avatarZoe B8/9/19 5:26pm
  • How had they done it? Annabelle and her mother had been given the worst odds last year to win the festival's marquee event: The Here Piggy Piggy pig portage contest, wherein pairs of participants took turns shuttling real live hogs from Point A to Point P.
    Sam B avatarSam B8/9/19 6:19pm
  • Annabelle and her mother had worn their matching T-shirts, proudly stating their team name: Precious Piggy Pickers, in a bespoke font to help wow them the crowd. And win they did! They nabbed the chubby Louis from Maple Farms at the last second. The award was theirs!
    Rietje B8/9/19 11:52pm
  • The crowd began chanting ‘Precious Piggy Pickers’, ‘Precious Piggy Lickers’, Precious Tiggy Tickers’. And Annabelle realized they hadn’t won anything. They were being laughed at.
    Sheila S8/11/19 1:30am
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  • She was mortified. But she wasn’t going to let this rude crowd ruin the best day of the year. With a flourish she welcomed her piggy brethren onto the stage, and together they gave a regal bow. The audience, in awe, erupted into applause. She was indeed crowned piggy princess.
    Zoe B avatarZoe B8/12/19 1:57pm

The End