That’s the Way the Croissant Crumbles

15 October 2024

  • Real love is flying a box of Costco croissants halfway across the country for someone.
    9/29 3:59am
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  • Joey loved those Costco croissants so much. So why did he move all the way to Germany? Was it to get away from Rachel?
    9/30 1:08am
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  • Rachel had always hated Joey for his love of Costco croissants. She had even bought a special safe to lock them away in, which she did every once and a while as a “punishment”.
    10/2 12:14pm
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  • She also bought the safe at Costco. It was a Chubby Hubby Pastry Vault, with a biometric time coded lock. It could safely store up to 13 croissants without crushing the flaky pastry. The temperature and humidity control kept them fresh as well as secure from hungry hands.
    10/5 7:09pm
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  • But sadly, it was not meant to be. The Baguette Boys visited the vault just after midnight, and used the perfect harmonic frequencies of crackling crust to confuse the system. By 1am the safe was void of the original bakers's dozen—just a note that simply said, "no pain."
    10/15 4:16am
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The End