Burt's Discount Dental review: ⭐ 1 star

Terrible customer service. Rude & painful but would use again

10 February 2021

  • The damp murk of the cellar, unaided by the arm of moonlight reaching in through the grime of a solitary window, was silent and still. Motes of dust, turbulent as stars, slowly twinkled in their passage through the blue light the nature of their disturbance unseen.
    1/31/21 7:21pm
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  • Like the body laying still with dried blood on his face, laying still but missing his most teeth, tongue cut in half. Laying still but three fingers on the right hand cut off. Laying still ....until a sudden gasp breaks the silence and I realize I'm still alive..
    1/31/21 10:41pm
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  • At first I was relieved I was alive. But then fear overtook me. If I was alive still, what was going to happen next?
    1/31/21 11:14pm
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  • I looked down and saw that I was still strapped into the dentist’s chair, but the room was devoid of anyone else. I struggled to try to remove my bindings, but they were extremely snug. Sighing, I resigned back into stillness, waiting to see if anyone would return.
    2/1/21 5:34am
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  • No one came and my fatigue made me sink even deeper and deeper- Wait! I tried to move, but I was even more bound to the chair than before, even though my bindings stayed the same. I took a careful look at my legs and the leather right beside me. I was being eaten by the chair.
    2/1/21 10:00am
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  • "I should have checked online reviews" I thought as the dentist's chair started to absorb my body. The worst part was, helpless, mouth clamped open, suction tubes in my mouth, disappearing into the upholstery, that's when the dentist decided to ask me about baseball.
    2/2/21 1:56pm
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  • "Baseball?!" I screeched. With the suction tubes in my mouth, it sounded more like "Maeba?!" "What's that?" the dentist asked, frowning as if I was talking with my mouth open at the dinner table.
    2/3/21 10:58pm
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  • I ripped the suction tube out of my mouth and sat up. “Where am I?!” I demanded. “I was just at a baseball game.” The dentist cocked his head to one side. “What? No, you’re...here.” He gestured around the room. “You’ve been here for about an hour.” I thought about telling him I
    2/4/21 6:38pm
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  • thought he should invest in a new chair, but I kept that to myself. Perhaps it was the fluoride treatment, that gooey sensation always made my mind wander. And so I wrapped up the visit and went about my day. On my way out I flashed a toothy grin and scheduled my follow up.
    2/10/21 4:34am
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The End