Always Pay Your Magic Bill

16 January 2021

  • “Could you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?” Daniel asked. “Umm,” the man in the pointed hat replied. “I think it’s about a mile that way, then on the left.” “Great, thanks!” Daniel said excitedly as he skipped in that direction.
    Jake L avatarJake L1/9/21 8:55pm
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  • The wizard watched the small tiger skip off toward Sesame Street before turning on his heel and heading for his own destination: a shop on Elm Street called The Cauldron Connection. He had to see a girl about a spell.
    KW T avatarKW T1/9/21 10:36pm
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  • The wizard couldn’t get that tiger out of his head. Where was it going? What was in its mouth? He said as much to the girl at Cauldron Connection. “Oh, I know what you need,” she said. The girl conferred with her colleague in hushed tones before handing the wizard a suede pouch.
    Sam B avatarSam B1/10/21 7:50pm
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  • "Go to a sizable cave, spin a hundred times, then immediately swallow the blue pill in this bag. It'll turn you into a tiger and you'll be able to follow that weird tiger you were so curious about!" Elated, the wizard immediately rushed out of the shop, forgetting to pay his bill
    Kara S1/12/21 8:20am
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  • I sighed. Running a magic shop isn’t easy. I added the flighty wizard’s purchases to his tab. I could WizzApp him to remind him to pay, or I could just send him a Spellmo bill. But first I had to rotate the eyes of newt.
    Sean K avatarSean K1/13/21 4:11am
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  • His order finally filled, I sent him away. Another satisfied, yet non-paying customer.
    John R avatarJohn R1/14/21 4:10pm
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The End