Students of History

Never forget North Park Cemetery

30 October 2022

  • As we ran down the hall, the teacher screamed at us. "Give me my phone back and get back to class! Or else ill send you both to the Principal's office!!" We laughed at her. The school police stopped us when we reached the end of the hall. "I guess we got to take a trip." I laugh
    9/25/22 8:08pm
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • ed again. “We’re going on a trip, to a place that’s full of ship, zooming through the hall, ligma ball-“ The school cop shushed us. Why was the teacher so overprotective of her phone anyways? Unless… “She has some very secret pictures, and/or texts!” I exclaimed. My friend chimed
    9/26/22 2:31am
  • in, "She doesn't use the normal keyboard. It's all weird letters." My other friend nodded & added, "You ever notice how Ms. B walks to school?" "Yeah." "And comes through North Park?" "Yeah." "Well, what's on the other side of North Park but—" "North Park Cemetery!" we all cried.
    10/13/22 3:43pm
    Inactive PUMPKIN icon1
  • The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit. Her amazing grasp of History, the white shoes that had belong to Aunt Catherine's grandmother
    10/27/22 6:14am
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • It was the professor! She didn't just study history; she lived it. In the name of Auth Catherine's grandmother, I made things right. I crossed the classroom, snatched her purse, and made a run for it. I couldn't explain it, but I knew that everything I needed to would be there.
    10/28/22 4:50pm

The End