What manner of beastie?

22 September 2022

  • A majestic beast stands on its strong legs in a distance. Should it get too close it can easily rip limbs off any living things. It sways its huge head in the wind and looks around. It almost looks like it's sniffing the air. Should it be ogled at, or evaded, or advanced towards?
    Damaskox avatarDamaskox6/14/22 12:14am
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  • These are all tempting options. I guess I’ll ogle at the beast? There are two giant wings on the creature, and its scales reflect the sunlight. Yep, just a dragon. Oh, brave and noble knight, do you choose to slay the dragon, befriend the dragon, or make a deal with the dragon?
    Jay K avatarJay K6/14/22 1:33am
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  • None of the above! I choose to Google the dragon instead. I find a roller coaster, a space capsule, a heavy metal album… ah here we are. Scaly, breathes fire, loves gold. Learn more? Don’t mind if I do.
    Sean K avatarSean K6/29/22 2:34am
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  • “Dragons originated from the Dragon Dynasty of the year 1337 BCE, only to be hunted to near extinction in the year 666 CE.” Thank you, Google. Now what do I do with this newfound information? Take down the dragon? Tame a dragon? Ride the dragon?
    Jacob S avatarJacob S6/30/22 5:50am
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  • "Dragons originated in the Dragon Dynasty, yeah duh." "None of this tells us what to do if we find one in real life!" "Call animal control?"
    Adia R8/16/22 3:48am
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  • We all squabbled between each other for a couple of minutes before eventually resorting to calling the police. I mean cmon, what’s animal control gonna do?! Tell us to put the poor thing down. It was only a baby, cute little thing with purple iridescent wings and twinkly eyes.
    Yolanda W avatarYolanda W8/16/22 10:45am
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  • It was decided each of us would take turns caring for it every night. Kimmy Farnsworth made a little bed for the fairy out of an Altoids container with cotton inside & a blanket made of a Kleenex. It was during the night of my turn that the baby pixie finally awoke & spoke to me.
    Benjamin C avatarBenjamin C9/3/22 4:56pm
  • "Why did you do it?" she said in a tiny voice. I drew closer in a daze at her starry little eyes. "Do what?" She giggled: "Leave me to die!" In an instant the pixie's face contorted into a goblin-like scowl. I jumped back & before me, the corpse of my sister stood. "No!" I sobbed
    Pennywise avatarPennywise9/20/22 5:12pm
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The End