Neptune's Hidden Thief & the Very Distracting Painting

That Painting is so Distracting

29 March 2023

  • Planet Neptune. A gas giant filled to the brim with gas. Not a single solid landmass to stand on, besides the core. No one would expect a single living thing to be there. That's why it's the perfect hiding spot for a thief like me. I'm a space thief hiding in Neptune. Neat stuff.
    Raj C avatarRaj C3/22/23 3:21pm
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  • I’m in a blimp in Neptune’s atmosphere, riding the currents as I wait for the heat to blow over. I have the Mona Lisa in a storage locker and a discreet buyer in the asteroid belt. I just need to wait for the authorities to lose interest.
    Sean K avatarSean K3/23/23 2:58am
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  • As I sit and stare at the 3000-year-old painting, I lose myself not in Lisa'a timeless expression, but the background. A flick of paint attracts my eye & I take out my magnifying lens. It's not just a flick, but microwriting. Within the thin layers of dark oil paint are the words
    Benjamin C avatarBenjamin C3/24/23 5:17am
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  • I squinted and read aloud the inscription “Ego vere similis paniculi farti” What could this mean? I pondered for a while, then silently and slowly backed away. All of the sudden a portal opened up and I could see many people on what appeared to be planet Neptune on the other side
    Keith F avatarKeith F3/28/23 1:53pm
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  • of the valley. Then I read the inscription once more. This time it said “Aloe vera similar pancake party.” I read it a few more times, and it changed to something else every single time. Nevermind. Neptune stinks anyway. The Kupier Belt is where the party’s at. The End. For real.
    Phil H avatarPhil H3/28/23 8:57pm
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The End