Everyone loves people

The only way to settle a fight is with chess…

12 August 2024

  • “I suspected this,” muttered he, gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening and his mind becoming more troubled with each passing moment of this infuriating scenery.
    7/25/23 6:16pm
  • Ahead of him on the highway a jack-knifed semi spilled tons of toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Idiot drivers abandoned their vehicles to pack them with the loot. He beeped and cursed but no one cared. He’d be late—no doubt and Don would be pissed.
    7/26/23 9:50pm
  • Fortunately, he wasn't the only one; the drivers behind him were expressing similar frustration, beeping like crazy! Three police cars went to the idiot drivers. "Excuse me, people, you shouldn't be blocking the road" said a policeman. But an idiot driver just blew a raspberry.
    9/21/23 8:27pm
    Inactive LAUGH icon1
    Inactive MAGIC icon1
  • They started mocking the police officers and one of them insisted on spin his car in circles. "Excuse me, officer, you shouldn't be, prfff! Prrff!" said the most idiot driver. "You must be the king of the idiots as you are wearing a burger king's crown"
    9/28/23 7:35pm
  • The cop felt his temperature rising along with his anger. But he remembered his conflict resolution training. He proposed, “How about we settle this like gentlemen: with a game of chess?”
    10/21/23 3:22am
  • A smile crept on his adversary's lips, “My favorite.” With the chess board set up, the cop made the first move. The “gentleman” picked up the knight piece and sat there. Minutes passed and the cops anger rose. Then his adversary threw the piece at his eye, laughing, “I win!”
    11/6/23 4:40am
  • The cop, stunned and enraged, could only watch as the “gentleman” sauntered away, leaving the board—and the game—scattered. “Victory tastes sweet,” the adversary taunted, “but in this world, it’s only a game if you’re still playing.”
    8/9/24 1:57am

The End