Heat of the Moment: Part II

The Fall Of Love

14 March 2023

This story is a sequel

Last line fromHeat of the Moment
Their hands were close on the bench & he felt her pinky slide along his. It was like being touched by a feather. He took her hand in his, felt its gentle heat, hoped his clammy palm wasn't offensive. She did not let go. They sat like that until the night sky flushed with dawn.
Benjamin C @ 3/10 11:41pm
  • BA
    After two months, she was there again beside him. He hadn't seen her since but he didn't mind. Work has been keeping him busy. She smiled at him, moving over. "The sky waits for us." Her voice is soft and calm. The sun slowly setting in front of them. The streets empty. Just them
    Byline Author3/12/23 5:58pm
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  • She took off her jacket. Without a word, while looking him in the eyes, she unfurled large feathered wings from her back. She smiled and held out her arms to him. “I knew it!”, he said, laughing.
    Sean K avatarSean K3/12/23 7:34pm
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  • Caroline grabbed the man with her wings and together they flew around the sky, soaring around blissfully while basking in the moonlight. So blissfully that she failed to notice the fiery spark that had begun on her house down below. The man noticed though, and knowingly grinned.
    Raj C avatarRaj C3/13/23 2:22am
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  • Caroline was blinded by the beating of her heart and her wings, naive to his intent. She was in love, or so she thought. Their silhouettes passed through the night sky against a blood moon that glowed a passionate red-orange. His hand made its way to her cheek and they kissed.
    Keith F avatarKeith F3/13/23 3:49am
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  • A full blood moon shown down on the lovers. At that moment, Caroline felt the pain of transformation. She fought it, for him. Her resistance only sharpened claws and teeth within. When she awoke at dawn, a fire raged as Caroline stood near the curb in ripped and bloody clothing.
    A P avatarA P3/14/23 8:40am
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The End