Oceans to Shores

22 September 2022

  • “Apples to apples”, he said, “apples to oranges, whatever, it’s all fruit”. He shrugged as if to convey a sense of nonchalance, but I knew him. Of course he cared. He had shed a single tear the day it happened, but I’d never seen him cry before that, every single day for nine
    9/18/22 9:04pm
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  • months, while deployed at sea, he sent letters back home. Me and the boys always gave him a hard time. But he loved his wife–still does, even after returning home to another man sleeping in his wife's bed. It's the worst thing for a man to return and find out he'd been replaced.
    9/19/22 4:51pm
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  • “Who’s gonna tell him?” I asked. We all shrugged. No one wanted to break the bad news. Until someone did. “Listen man,” one spoke up, “you, are a simp. How can you let yourself be disrespected like that? Your wife slept around while you were deployed abroad! Divorce her already!”
    9/20/22 11:48am
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  • “You pronounced ‘shrimp’ wrong, you big primate! I wasn’t away at sea, I come from the sea. The antenna and shell should have given it away. And we have an open marriage, since you’re so interested in our exoskeletal affairs.”
    9/21/22 2:56am
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  • That was the beginning of the end. They tried to rekindle their love, but something between them had broken, cracked like a shell under a mallet. It was the puns that hurt most. The two drifted, the woman back to Akron, the shrimp to the Atlantic, where he was eaten by a herring.
    9/22/22 7:48am
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The End