Deck the Halls with Booze and Ennui!

Fa la la la la, la la la—hang on, lemme answer this.

25 October 2023

  • Today I woke up feeling extremely out of it, I drank too much the night before. This was the start of my first AND LAST hangover.
    7/25/23 7:02pm
  • I mixed up my favorite hangover cure of bone broth and tomato juice. As I drank it down, I reviewed what I remembered of the night before. I had made a mighty jackass of myself, once again. I knew beyond any doubt that I had to stop drinking alcohol.
    7/26/23 9:17pm
  • My phone buzzed. The image and number that flashed across my screen forced me to reach for the bottle of vodka and pour in a couple of shots. I wouldn’t be stopping drinking anytime soon.
    7/26/23 9:38pm
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  • BA
    Why the hell was he calling me? We were DONE. He was an abusive, emotional wreck. Remembering that, I poured another shot. Then I heard familiar foot steps.
    Byline Author
    9/3/23 1:38am
  • "I thought you were aiming for the Good List this year?" I turned. "Sorry, Santa," I said, cherishing the booze's burn, "I thought he was the one." Santa cracked his knuckles. "Want me to take care of him?" he said. I hugged him & said, "Only if I get to add a sucker punch or 2."
    10/22/23 8:34am

The End