Jessica and the mislead

Introductions turn into death, and Jessica turns into Julia. Where are we going next?…

30 July 2024

  • Hi, I am Jessica Ellen Barnum, How are you
    Jessica E avatarJessica E12/30/23 4:19pm
  • Good morning my friend hope you’re doing good and you are too I’m going out for lunch with the girls I hope you’re having fun
    Alexander B12/30/23 4:20pm
    Inactive BOMB icon1
  • I need time out with the girls after the death of my husband. I didn’t have much of an appetite. “Eat Julia” they said.
    Lauren avatarLauren3/14 4:27pm
  • But how could I possibly eat something ? Everything reminded me of him. Everything had a connection to our life together.
    EVA P avatarEVA P3/28 4:24pm
  • Every time I did something, it felt like I was driving further and further away from myself. Until eventually, I went throughout the motions like anyone else, yet without my emotions. Which were forever out of reach.
    Yuki A avatarYuki A7/27 8:57pm

The End