Maxwell's Demon

May the Earth Return to its Natural State

17 March 2023

  • Maxwell was sick of being gaslit all the time by everyone around him. Everyone pretended that the sky was blue and the grass was green, when in reality the sky was pitch black filled with the smoke and toxins of multiple deregulated train crashes and the grass was dead.
    3/12/23 1:19am
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  • "Gaslighting? What even is that? Are you okay?" is all anyone would ever say to poor Maxwell when he expressed his feelings. After a point, he grew impatient with those around him, thus beginning his journey of restoring the planet's lifelike features.
    3/14/23 6:39am
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  • Two cenotes were the eyes, with adjacent buttes as eyebrows. A mountain was the nose. A long arcing canyon was the mouth. All visible from orbit. Friendliest planet in the solar system! The problem was showing the people on the surface the face of their world.
    3/14/23 11:46am
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  • BA
    Stars passed, giving even more excitement. Would people be scared of seeing this? How will people react? Will they destroy it? NASA dialed onto all TV's announcing this find. "We call it. . .Adam." (For context, I have no idea what was going on, sorry!)
    Byline Author
    3/14/23 3:42pm
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  • But then, descending from the sky was an angelic figure dressed in tights with a wizard hat on... A beat started thumping! The figure started dancing and the silhouette reached all the way to the horizon. Then singing and more instruments...Everyone started dancing!
    3/16/23 11:17pm
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The End