
4 February 2025

  • Cheating exes are a bit like Google. Useful until they annoy you with their constant tracking your location. No, my ex isn't a stalker. He's just...
    10/31/24 11:19pm
  • always lurking in the background, making sure I never truly move on. Some moments can't be erased from your mind's history, like when I sent that private message to the entire group chat. My relationship with Derick was just as unforgettable.
    11/5/24 6:53am
  • The way he looked at me after, the silence that followed—no amount of time could ever dull that sting.
  • I couldn't, however, let him see that side of me. So I swallowed my sorrow like pills and let him believe that I was all right. Because I was. ..Right?
    11/13/24 4:31pm
  • But Derick was’t believing it. It was a dead giveaway when he looked straight at me and said…”I don’t believe it.” I sighed. When would I get to just escape my sorrow in peace? I started to think that I’d need to swallow another kind of pill before long.
    12/7/24 8:43am
  • Then my man James came in and said “mates, there’s a big party tonight! It’s gonna be THA BOMB! Put on your best gear and let’s go!” I figured a good party might end my misery, or at least distract from it. So I put on my favorite party outfit:
    12/17/24 8:43pm
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • a faded band t-shirt and ripped jeans. I figured if it was a real party, everyone would be too busy dancing to judge my style. Besides, maybe some good music and a few drinks could help me forget about everything, and I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.
    2/2 4:08am

The End