Hubris among the stars

20 October 2024

  • Vash and Cassidy, vash died while bounty hunting and Cassidy thought he just left and they knew each other for 1 and a half years before vash died
    9/24/24 12:43am
  • Their personality modules slotted into the regeneration cluster, but there was an error. They combined into a single replicant with a mix of both personalities and memories. Vashidy emerged from the chamber, confused and angry.
    10/12/24 2:54am
  • The personalities within argued about what to do, but the violent voice was louder. He found a fire extinguisher and used it like a club, trashing the modules until his weapon sprung a leak and the CO2 escaped. A fire broke out in the wreckage & all burned to the ground. Ironic.
    10/18/24 5:56am

The End